Power of Domain Tools
Domain is something every business requires to function in the tech world. You need a domain registered in your name to build up a digital presence. Do you ever wonder who owns these domains? While selecting a domain for your business it should be perfect. To do that you need to understand your niche, competitors, and their domains. In this regard, Domain tools can help you get valuable information about a domain name.
What are Domain Tools?
Domain tools are solutions that help you find details about particular domains just as back in the day phonebooks were used to keep track of phone numbers. It helps to search for the domain name and to find information about the registrant’s name and contact information that can prove beneficial if you need to contact the domain owner for any reason. These tools also provide information about the registration and expiration dates which can prove vital when it comes to the value estimation of a domain. The tools also tell us about the status of the domain whether it is active or not. The name servers translate the domain names to IP addresses so that the users can access the website.
Why are Domain Tools Important?
Domain tools are important for domain analysis, DNS management, domain monitoring, and analytical reporting.
Domain Analysis:
It provide information about the domain owner, its registration, and other related domains to the main searched domain. The tools provide this data based on the comparative analysis which helps them identify potential business opportunities and assess the domain value.
DNS Management:
Domain tools help maintain DNS settings by helping in adding, changing, or removing the DNS records from the website’s backend to ensure the website is properly functional. DNS also helps with the translation of domain names into IP addresses.
Domain Monitoring:
Domain name monitoring is essential for business as there can be a risk of brand identity theft or intellectual property (IP) issues. The domain tools help in monitoring any changes in the domain. As soon as any changes are detected these tools notify the owners and save businesses from domain hijacking.
Analytics and Reporting:
The domain tools provide businesses with analytics and reporting capabilities that help track website performance like website traffic, search engine ranking, and link popularity. The data assists people in making data-driven decisions to get a market advantage.
Comparison of Different Domain Tools
There are many domain tools available in the market. Here are some domain tools given below:
- DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool
- GoDaddy
- NameCheap
We are going to cover these tools based on the value proposition they bring for businesses to use them. First of all, DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool has a big advantage in terms of pricing than the others in the list as the tool is free to use. Tools like NameCheap and GoDaddy charge fees which is different for both tools. On GoDaddy, you can sell and purchase domains at the price of USD 5 / year which is just a platform fee. NameCheap also charges almost USD 6 / year for (.com) websites and a platform fee of almost USD 13 / year for (.net) websites. This makes the DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool a better choice as it comes with all the features for free.
Why use the DomianTools Whois Lookup Tool?
There are many advantages of using the DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool like intellectual property protection, domain ownership analysis, and privacy protection. We are going to discuss each one by one.
Privacy Protection:
As the owner of a domain, you may not want certain details about you to be out there on the internet. To stay safe the whois lookup tool allows owners to ensure what information is shared about them online and also gives them authority over what to display and hide to ensure privacy protection.
Domain Ownership Analysis:
A buyer needs to analyze before buying a new domain. This requires niche analysis after which the buyer can narrow down what sort of domain they need. Once the domain is finalized you can use the Whois Lookup Tool to know more about the the owner. These details can help a buyer do better negotiations for a domain and get a fair price.
Intellectual Property Protection:
Many small businesses try to take customers from established businesses by creating copies of the original domain name under similar names to trick customers. The website is designed the same. The Whois Lookup Tool can help in identifying the owners of such companies for which you can take legal action.
Domain Tools Advanced Features
The DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool provides its users with more than just domain information. It also gives access to features like historical domain data, reverse IP lookup, domain availability check, and access to DNS records.
Historical Data:
DomainTools can help you retrieve historical data that tells you how many past owners were there for a particular domain which can prove valuable in the historical context.
Reverse IP Lookup:
Reverse IP lookup is an advanced feature of DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool that allows you to conduct deep research on different competitors and helps you identify websites that are related to your search.
Domain Availability Check:
The domain availability feature lets you check the availability of a domain name. This helps you save a lot of time as you already know whether the domain is available. This feature of the tool also suggests alternatives if the desired domain is taken.
DNS Records:
The Whois Lookup Tool gives us an idea of the DNS records of a domain. The DNS records tell us about the technical infrastructure of the domain and these are essential for any website.
Domain Tools are important when it comes to domain research and analysis. There are many tools out there but the best tool according to the value is the DomainTools Whois Lookup Tool. It has all the basic features that come with all the basic domain tools but on top of that, it also has advanced features that make the value difference when compared with other tools in the segment.
For more information on the tool, you can visit here to get more information.
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