Linen racks tumble off truck causing heavy traffic on Highway 401 in Toronto
Linen racks that rolled off the back of a truck are causing heavy traffic on Highway 401 Friday afternoon.
OPP Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said the driver of the transport truck has been charged with carrying an insecure load.
“Well, this is a first for me,” Schmidt said in a video posted on X just before noon. “Door opened up, crashed through the back and ended up down on the ground.”
The couple dozen uniforms bundled together in crates have to be hoisted onto a flatbed and then put onto a second trailer, Schmidt explained
As a result, he said the cleanup on the eastbound Highway 401 ramp to the DVP, which is blocking Highway 404, is going to be a lengthy one.
Schmidt pointed his camera towards “very heavy” traffic leading up to Highway 401 already beginning to build.
Shortly after 2:15 p.m., the ramp reopened.
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