Pregnant woman, husband murdered inside Bowmanville home were targeted, police say after 3 suspects arrested
Three suspects are in custody in connection with what police say was a “targeted killing” in Bowmanville last year that left a pregnant woman and her husband dead.
During a news conference on Friday morning, police said Aram Kamel, 28, and his wife, 26-year-old Rafad Alzubaidy, were “shot multiple times at close range” at their home in Bowmanville in the early morning hours of Feb. 4, 2023.
Their bodies were discovered on the main floor of the residence more than 12 hours later after officers were called to the Crombie Road home to conduct a wellness check that afternoon, Det.-Sgt. Brad Corner told reporters during Friday’s update.
Alzubaidy was six months pregnant when she was shot and killed, Corner said.
“The ongoing investigation into the murders has been lengthy and remains an open investigation as we work to determine the specific motives,” he added.
“Based on the evidence we’ve collected, we believe this was a targeted killing and not a robbery.”
Police say other suspects ‘arranged’ for couple to be killed
Police said three suspects, identified as 22-year-old Illia Ayo, 22-year-old Abdinisar Aden, and Emmanuel Ezbon, 21, have each been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in connection with the homicides.
All three suspects were arrested this week and held for bail hearings, where they were remanded into custody, police confirmed.
Corner noted that officers collected hundreds of hours of security footage as part of the investigation.
He also said investigators believe that there are other suspects who are involved in the murders who have not yet been identified.
“The evidence we have gathered at this point leads investigators to believe that there are other people that arranged for these two individuals to be murdered,” he said.
“There is more to the story. But at this point though, considering that we are still investigating this and these individuals are before the courts, I’m unable to provide any specific evidence.”
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